They are used for storing and dispensing substances in the gaseous or liquid state. The all-welded units such as HEE are irreplaceable in a number of industries that require relatively compact arrangement of a large volume of material, such as at gas and petroleum enterprises. The horizontal units with elliptical bottoms can store both processing products of natural raw materials and industrial gases. The horizontal all-welded units of GEE type are widely used at the enterprises of chemical synthesis. There, they are part of the processing lines, where both reactants and products of synthesis are stored.
The main part of the units is all-welded metal tank with a hatch and additional fittings. Description of horizontal units with elliptical bottoms, as well as description of any capacitive devices is abbreviated in their names. The term "HEE type" means that the tank of the unit is positioned horizontally.
The most important characteristics of HEE type units: tank volume, wall thickness and operating conditions. For the production of horizontal all-welded units of HEE type high quality alloy steel resistant to mechanical stress is used. This steel is chemically inert, which makes it perfectly suitable for chemically active substances storage.
The all-welded cylindrical tank is formed from the steel, which is provided with supporting structures, fittings and a hatch.
Before becoming a finished product, HEE type units are thoroughly tested for leaks and work under extreme conditions of the technological process. The units' testing is intended to prevent any possible failure.